This is a ONE class, 2 hour course is for those who want to learn how to wear a yukata and tie a hanhaba obi.
Curriculum 1. Introduction to the yukata 2. How to put on underpinnings 3. How to put on yukata 4. How to put on a hanhaba obi: kai no kuchi, chocho $50
What you need:
This is a 4-lesson course, 1.5 hours per class that is for those who what to get started learning how to wear kimono. You will learn how to wear a kimono and an obi with a Nagoya obi, including all accessories.
Curriculum 1. How to put on underpinnings, including padding (basic techniques) 2. How to put on kimono 3. How to put on a Nagoya obi with an ichijyudaiko 4. How to put on a Fukuro obi with a nijyudaiko $375
What you need
This is a 4-lesson course, 1.5 hours per class. You will learn how
Prerequisite: Beginner Lesson or show you are able to dress yourself Curriculum 1. Review of how to put on kimono, TPO and seasonality. 2. Alternative ways to put on kimono using only himo, padding techniques 3. Nagoya obi: Ginza musubi, Kawari musubi 4. Fukuro obi: Ginza musubi, Sensu musubi $375
What you need